Lens Replacement Options in for patients in Lighthouse Point, Pompano Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach & Ft. Lauderdale
There are several types of intraocular implants that are available for cataract lens replacement. During your consultation with Dr. Loeffler or Dr. Kirschenbaum they will determine which lens is best for you. The single distance lens and the advanced multifocal lens implants are the most popular.
Monofocal lenses produce a sharp and clear vision that is only at one vision link, generally distance vision. Therefore, you will need glasses for near and intermediate viewing. On the other hand, advanced Lifestyle lenses have multiple focal points, and they significantly reduce dependency on glasses. Many patients prefer Lifestyle IOLs because they often eliminate the need for glasses after surgery.
Choosing the right implants is a personal decision, but Dr. Loeffler or Dr. Kirschenbaum can customize lifestyle IOLs lens to suit your daily activities. The range of vision can be tailored, so that your vision is comfortable whether you are driving, reading, or playing golf.
Multifocal lens by Alcon allows patients to see both near and far distances, without the need for glasses. These lenses utilize ‘apodization’, which is an advanced optical technology that enables vision at varying distances. Patients can see the fine details, as well as larger objects. The results are superior to the standard multifocal options, thereby making patients less dependent on spectacles.
Astigmatism is a vision condition in which the cornea, or the lens of the eye, has an abnormal shape. This prevents the eye from focusing light evenly. The cornea is normally perfectly round in shape, and this allows the light rays to focus at a single point. However if the cornea is unevenly curved, then the light rays are scattered at the back of the eye, which leads to blurry vision.
At the Center for Ophthalmology, we have high-tech diagnostic equipment that can accurately diagnose astigmatism. During your Lens Evaluation, we use these instruments to get a clear picture of your corneal topography. The results will determine the best method to use to correct astigmatism. AcrySof Toric IOL and Limbal Relaxing Incisions (LRI) are the recommended treatments for astigmatism.
Toric IOL is specially designed to reduce or eliminate astigmatism, and is the preferred option for astigmatism that lies within the treatable range. These lenses enhance the clarity and quality of distance vision, improve color perception, and the blue-light filter reduces UV exposure.
Limbal Relaxing Incisions are also used to correct astigmatism. In this method Dr. Loeffler or Dr. Kirschenbaum will make tiny, precise incisions based on the results of the corneal topography, and these will normalize the shape of the cornea.