Traditional/Monofocal Lens Implant with Cataract Surgery (covered under most insurance)
Presbyopia Lens Implants (PanOptix, Restor, Crystalens, Active Focus Restor, Restor-Toric) with Cataract Removal
Estimate: $3,294.50 per eye
Astigmatism Correction Toric Lens with Cataract Removal
Estimate: $2,044.20 per eye
Self Pay Patients: Cataract Surgery with Traditional/Monofocal Lens, Facility & Anesthesia
Estimate: $3,936.95 per eye
Lens Replacement fees are for non-covered services related to selection of lens implants over and above what your insurance provides. Generally, cataract surgery is covered by your health insurance, and a standard Monofocal lens implant is included. Lenses that correct astigmatism or provide a fuller range of vision are offered at the fees outlined above.
*Facility and anesthesia fee not included
Upper and Lower Eyelids (Blepharoplasty)
Estimate: $7,400 both eyes
Upper Eyelids Only (insurance may cover)
Estimate: $4,400 both eyes
Lower Eyelids Only (not covered by insurance) (Blepharoplasty)
Estimate: $4,400 both eyes
Botox ranges from $17.00 per unit, depending on the area.
For procedure fees not covered by health insurance, we accept the following forms of payment:
These fees are payable in full prior to your procedure. We also offer Interest-Free Financing for up to one year.*
*Financing subject to credit approval.